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Under the Microscope

A place for high school students to explore their interest in Life Sciences.

Whether it’s marine biology or bioinformatics, we want to know more about it and share our knowledge and understanding with the world. So, we’ve put together this website to write articles, share interesting resources and truly delve deeper into biological concepts.

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RiemannSphere Maths club

Zero, Infinity, and Everything in between

We’re a group of students from all over the world, united by a passion for mathematics and it’s applications.

Our mission is To make math interesting and show it’s fascinating side to all who think of it as a ‘dull’ subject.

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Absolute Physics

A physics club should be a place where people come to do physics. Simple as that.

A physics club should be a place where people come to do physics. Simple as that.

It’s a place where we not only give answers but also learn how to ask the right questions. This community can allow the club members to learn from others and at the same time inspire them. A society where not only one’s knowledge is expanded, but also their enthusiasm to study this subject is given freedom.

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Hacked Society

Hacked society is a club that provides high school students with the opportunity to pursue their interests in Computer Science in multiple ways.

Hacked society is a club that provides high school students with the opportunity to pursue their interests in Computer Science in multiple ways.
Read and write interesting articles in the field of Computer Science or look through the various projects that our members are working on.
Plan or take part in our numerous events such as Hackathons, Tech talks and much much more.

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