““Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.””
Mauraya Sharma
Student Lead & Team Coordinator
Mauraya Sharma - Student lead
I enjoy learning about and exploring design and artistic mediums like film-making, theatre and painting. I’ve been recognised as a focused visionary by my school, Pathways World School, Aravali, for my projects within these fields. My creative pursuits in the performing arts are constantly evolving and I hope to continue exploring with my own production house, Painting Tongue Productions.
Tanvi Amrit
Design Team & Content Developer
Prisha Goyal
Management Coordinator
Saisha Singh
Schedule and Management
Tanvi Amrit - Design Lead
I am a Grade 12 student at Pathways World School, Noida. I enjoy dancing, creating art, writing and spend a lot of time watching movies. I love exploring different ways of storytelling, exploring idea’s through digital mediums and especially visually enhancing them to convey my artistic statement. I hope you all like my art and design through the icons and cover designs I’ve attempted to do!
-Design Team, Content Developer
As an aspiring business/economics major, I’m always looking for opportunities to learn more about markets and to nurture my management skills. You’ll always find me with a camera around my neck and a journal in my bag.
Saisha Singh - schedule and design lead
I am a Grade 11 student currently studying in Pathways World School, Aravali. I am very passionate about designing and art. People find me to be an upbeat, self-motivated team player with excellent communication skills.
Yuganshi Singh
Content Creators
Anoushka Bakaya
I’m Anoushka, currently studying in grade 12th at the Heritage Xperiential Learning School, Gurgaon.
I enjoy reading about current affairs and international relations. A lot of my time is dedicated to singing, dancing, creative writing and acting.
Content Creator
I enjoy reading, exploring new cuisines, travelling, watching movies, writing poetry, debating and orating
Content Creator
Jiya Kathuria
- Budding poet
- Avid Reader
- Tennis player
Content Creator
Adi Roy
I like writing and Blogging. I am also interested in Art and love product designing!
Content Creator
Aarushi Bansal
I am very passionate about music and play the guitar. Apart from music, I enjoy writing about socio-economic and political issues and I enjoy editing for a literary magazine.
Content Creator
akshita poddar
My interests lie in reading and writing, playing basketball and also public speaking and travelling.
Content Creator
saira arora
Design Creator
Chahat Garg
I am an avid book reader and a certified daydreamer. I am majoring in Psychology but apart from that my interests include: theatre, dancing, singing and playing guitar.
Content Creator
Rohit Dhawan
I enjoy dancing, creating art, writing and spend a lot of time watching movies. I love exploring different ways of storytelling.
Content Creator
Shreeya Suri
I'm a 15 year old student -at Pathways world school for the past 7, keen interest in global politics and is frequently speaking on various platforms to advocate for women empowerment and other social issues . After being exposed to multiple platforms that address global politics
Content Creator
Vatsal Kabra
I am an avid reader, a tennis fanatic, drummer, and a photographer. I love participating in global and cooperative events like MUN, Round Square, and World Scholar's Cup. I have a keen interest in biology, history, and the social sciences - especially diseases, wars, societal change, and alternate perspectives.
Content Creator
Navya Goel
While growing up I came to the realisation that I am an extremely stubborn and rebellious kid with the curiosity to explore and learn about everything and anything. people always pointed out how my rebellious attitude could land me in trouble but the truth is, it has pushed me out of a comfort zone people are not able to get out of their entire lives.
Content Creator
Srijaa Chatterjee
Reading, writing, adventure sports
Content Creator
Sehan Malhotra