The Internet Polarity

Being proactive and aware are the hallmarks of the youth. So, with the advent of mass media, internet, and social networking apps one quite literally gained access to the whole world in all its entirety including the stories and problems, hope and aggression, love, and hatred.   

Almost 500,000,000 stories are posted on instagram every day - a couple by me. In the time you read this sentence around 20,000 stories would have been posted. It took twitter 3 years to reach 1 billion tweets and today it takes less than two days for that to happen, obviously with considerable help from Donald J. Trump.

With every passing day there are numerous # trending on twitter and an overflow of YouTube uploads and this global phenomenon has led to two polar opposite results that have been further aggravated by lockdowns and other restrictions.

With the onset of the COVID 19 global pandemic the world ground to a halt and the dependence on virtual and internet based technologies has skyrocketed. Whether it be for education and classes on zoom, connectivity and interaction on facetime or messages, entertainment through memes on countless accounts and binging content on netflix.

However, the same way we came together social media sites like Instagram and facebook have also proved themselves as catalysts for negative energy and comments. Aggressive remarks and hateful sentiments spread faster than wildfire and affect each and everyone who experiences them.

Whether this is the two-sided battle of boys locker room or internal conflicts regarding religion and ethnicities social media is a platform that can segregate and avenge people as fast as the next thing but on a much larger scale.

Personally and with a lot of my friends, we have experienced a certain degree of sadness over the negativity and hostility that can be found on the internet and has lead to actions like deleting accounts and applications.

So how, in a time governed by online interaction and dependent on the functioning of virtual technologies can you care for the causes that concern you and not feel an overwhelming depressing and hopelessness with all around you:

1. Regulate social media:

a. First it is essential you regulate the time and importance you give to the virtual and online worlds as compared to the one that physically surrounds and supports you

b. Secondly it’s a good idea to regulate your social media content and interaction in the sense that you take most of your information from trusted sources and organizations and use more of your time in contact with friends and loved ones rather than fighting online battles or unnecessarily trolling.

2. Minimize procrastinating:

Most of us browse the internet without purpose because we have nothing better to do, so find a meaningful application of your time whether it is through:

a. Watching movies and reading books you’ve forever wanted to

b. Catching up with friends and families

c.  Getting a hobby – sports, instruments

d. Art and music therapy

e. Spend time with yourself and your thoughts

Among others.

3. Foster positivity:

Whether this is through the way you talk, sleep or whatever try to spread positivity or encourage connection in a time characterized by distance. This can be done through your social media activities like stories, organizing group calls or in the physical world by keeping a gratitude journal or a few minutes of meditation.

Ultimately it all comes down to personal choice and finding effective and helpful methods for you to achieve your goals and aspirations come lockdown and pesky viruses.







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