01 | NYU's Global Liberal Studies Program
Roshy Chhillar |
Organizational Change Management, Capgemini
Roshy Chhillar graduated from Delhi Public School in Gurgaon and then majored in Economics at NYU. She currently works in Organizational Change Management at Capgemini, helping clients adjust to IT changes.
Arjun and Roshy discuss her early days of adjustment at NYU and how she made the academic choices that led her to her career. They also spend some time discussing how companies are adjusting to changes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Episode Takeaways
Roshy majored in Economics (STEM) from NYU CAS with a minor in Business Studies from Stern and a second cross school minor in Business in Entertainment, Media and Technology
Early Experience at NYU
She described how it took her time to adjust as the campus is spread across the city, which can be overwhelming. However, she was proactive and grabbed every opportunity to attend events, make friends and meet professors who helped her adjust.
Major Choice
She entered NYU through the Global Liberal Studies Program for the first 2 years. She attended Film, History and Media courses for compulsory credits which exposed her to fields that she later found interesting. GLS provided flexibility which worked for her.
Current Job
She works in Organizational Change Management at Capgemini where she helps clients adjust to IT changes.
Job Search
NYU has great partnerships with companies in NYC. Her major allowed her to work in a wide variety of industries. She has been networking throughout college with these firms and this helped her land the job.
Post COVID-19 Outlook
Her job involves technology and remote operations so adapting to COVID 19 changes was easy. Now she gives confidence to clients on using Tech and privacy policies. She sees meetings going remote even post COVID.
Higher Education Post-COVID
Roshy believes in online learning. She believes the colleges need to make more effort and have professors engaging more with students on virtual platforms. This will give students more confidence.
Growth at NYU
She learnt from her mistakes. Being in clubs and organizing events, being proactive in the community showed her that she is good with people and managing budgets. She learnt to always be prepared for classes, recruitment opportunities and job rejections. NYU is daunting - it's not just about getting up and going to class. The first time she walked past an intoxicated homeless person was scary, but she slowly started exploring other neighborhoods in NYC.
Edbrand's contribution to her journey
She is thankful for all the brainstorming sessions that helped her dive deep into her interests. She continued using this skill in college to explore her interests with advisors.
Advice to current applicants
Don't choose India over the US because of COVID. The global exposure and faculty are much better in the US. Think about starting in the Spring semester as an option. Even if the first semester is online you still have the next 3.5 years to look forward to. Remote learning and group chats will help you kick start your college experience and you would have made friends before coming to campus and learnt at your own pace before coming to the US.
On Job Search
She never had the mindset that college would not be worth it if she didn’t get a job in the US. She only thought of what was in her control - the job search, resume, recruitment and so on. There is a lot of luck that goes into finding the right job that is also the right fit. You can't control the economy. The uncertainty of getting a job in the US should not affect your decision on whether to go to college in the US or not.