Let’s Talk Middle Ground
“All legislation, all government, all society is founded upon the principle of mutual concession, politeness, comity, courtesy; upon these everything is based...Let him who elevates himself above humanity, above its weaknesses, its infirmities, its wants, its necessities, say, if he pleases, I will never compromise; but let no one who is not above the frailties of our common nature disdain compromises.
-Henry Clay”
What is Majh_dhar?
Majhdhar is the centre of the stream, the most powerful current in the river. We plan to bring people from opposite sides of the spectrum closer to each other, in an attempt to understand a perspective that is different from theirs. In a world increasingly divided in its views, this event exists to smash the echo-chamber that the Internet can be. Meet new people, defend your position, change your perspectives and move forward with your ideas forged stronger through the fires of debate!
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